中文裏有“宅”“恐婚族”這樣的城市流行語,英文中一樣有這樣想像力與構詞法催生的新鮮詞。這些新詞的生命力有多久且不論,我們完全可以拿來讓自己的語言更生動有趣,比如說中午太困了,可以說I got a mid-day crisis. 是不是很有腔調的感覺呢?


Good lenses, bad frames




Describing someone who gives a bad first impression but is actually a good person. Someone who doesn't appear to be competent, yet is extremely capable at what he/she does.




例句:Dr. Bruce is a spaz, but he's one of the best doctors I know. You wouldn't know it by looking at him...good lenses, bad frames.




When one is in a desperate need for a siestabecause they become extremely tired in the afternoon and coffee isn't cutting it any longer.




例句:After that wild night of drinking, I had the worst mid-day crisis ever.


Clock Out With My CockOut




To "call it a day" at work so you can go party.


下班之後去派對狂歡(clock out即打卡下班,也可以說punchout


例句:-Hey, dude, you coming to happy hour?


-Hells yeah! It's time to clock out with my cock out!


Nearsighted Date




As opposed to a blind date, where you have no idea what the other person looks like, a nearsighted date is one where you've seen a photo or chatted viaweb before meeting in person.


blind date(事先一無所知的相親)相對,指在相親前看過對方的照片或者網聊過。


This can often lead to disappointment if one person or the other has supplied misleading documentation.


如果對方沒有給你真實照片或提供了虛假資訊,nearsighted date一樣有見光死的可能。


例句:That's the last nearsighted date I ever go on...her profilepicture must have been 5 years, 3 hair colors and 2 kids ago.(這個見光死死得徹底啊……)


Happy Late Year




When people are still saying Happy New Year, even though it's already a week after the new year.


年後一個星期,拜年的時候就不是new year了,是late year


例句:-Happy new year!!! whats up??


-More like happy late year... it was new years 5 days ago.


Work avalanche




When there is so much work piled on your desk, movement from under it is nearly impossible.




例句:Hey, pour me a drink! I worked up quite a thirstdigging out from my work avalanche to get to happy hour.


Postsantum depression




The incredible letdownsome folks experience when they realize Christmas is over


(typical Monday after Christmas office discussion)




例句:-Why is Michelle raggingit with me?


-It's not just you, she's got a bad case of postsantum depression.


Christmas tight




The period of time after Christmas and New Years where the clothes you wore priorto the holidays that fit well, all of a sudden are a little tighter than they should be.




例句:I got this new dress shirt for Christmas. I went to wear it with my favorite work pants, but they are a little Christmas tight now.

文章來源:碩博翻譯公司 碩博翻譯社





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